International VC Forum Series in Greece since 1999

11th International Venture Capital & Private Equity Forum
Athens, Grande Bretagne Hotel, 5&6 April 2011

The 11th International Venture Capital and Private Equity Forum, the leading event for venture capital and private equity in South Eastern Europe took place on 5th and 6th April 2011 at the Hotel Grande Bretagne, Athens, Greece. It was co-organised by the Invest in Greece Agency, the Hellenic Venture Capital Association (HVCA) and PRAXI/HELP-FORWARD Network, coordinator of the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas.

The Forum was a unique opportunity for the 500 participants (investment professionals, policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics and researchers) to network, exchange their views and experiences. This year also, the Forum was honored to have the Minister of Finance & Economics giving the keynote speech.

Over 150 meetings took place, between venture capitalists, private equity investors and entrepreneurs. In statistical figures, 87% of the 113 submitted investment proposals originated from Greece and 13% from Cyprus, UK, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, FYROM and USA. The requested funds amounted to 455 million euros. The majority of the investment proposals related to the sectors of information technology, energy, and health/safety, while the respective business plans addressed both the global and local market (64% and 36% respectively).

We had the joy of having with us the following venture capital and private equity firms: Alpha Ventures Capital Management SA, Attica Ventures SA, AIMS Management SA, Equity Partners – Eurobank EFG Equities SA, Global Finance SA, Glocal Systems Management, I4G – Incubation for Growth SA, IBG Management SA, Logo Ventures SA, New Mellon Asset & Wealth Management SA, Oxygen Management SA, Parthenon Trust SA, Piraeus Capital Management SA, Thermi Ventures SA, 7L Capital Partners, VCI (Velti Center For Innovation) SA.

This year’s organization was supported by important sponsors. In particular, ALPHA VENTURES CAPITAL MANAGEMENTS, ATTICA VENTURES and GLOBAL FINANCE were executive sponsors, AIMS MANAGEMENT and EUROBANK EFG EQUITIES were gold sponsors and PIRAEUS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT and THERMI VENTURES were silver sponsors. Naftemporiki Newspaper, and SBC Channel were the Forum’s media sponsors.

The event website | The event agenda | Event Photos

10th International Venture Capital Forum
Athens Hilton Hotel, 16 & 17 June 2009

The 10th International Venture Capital Forum was also organised by the Invest in Greece Agency, the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO) and PRAXI/HELP-FORWARD Network, member of the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas, with the cooperation of the Hellenic Venture Capital Association and under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It took place in Athens, in Hilton Hotel, on 16 & 17 June 2009.

The Forum was a unique opportunity for the 500 participants (investment professionals, policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics and researchers) to network, exchange their views and experiences. This year also, the Forum was honored to have the Minister of Finance & Economics giving the keynote speech.
The Forum was once again a unique opportunity for conducting approximately 150 closed meetings among venture capitalists and businesses from Greece and Southeastern Europe which were considered particularly fruitful.

In statistical figures, 86 % of the 95 submitted investment proposals originated from Greece and 14% from Cyprus, UK, Belgium, Bulgaria and Estonia. The requested funds amounted to 415 million euros. The majority of the investment proposals related to the sectors of information technology, consumer goods, health/safety, telecommunications and services, while the respective business plans addressed both the global and local market (46% and 34% respectively).

The event website | Agenda Brochure [pdf, 430KB] | Event Photos

9th International Venture Capital Forum
Athens Hilton Hotel, 19 & 20 June 2008

The 9th event of the series was also organised by the Invest in Greece Agency (former Hellenic Center for Investment), the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO) and PRAXI/HELP-FORWARD, member of the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas, under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It took place in Athens, in Hilton Hotel, on 19 & 20 June 2008.
The Forum was once again a unique opportunity for conducting approximately 150 prearranged meetings among businesses and investors as well as an informative and educational event in terms of Venture Capital activities in Greece and in Europe, opportunities for investors and investees, the alternative market and innovative initiatives in technology.

More than 400 investment professionals, policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics and researchers attended the speeches and shared their views and experiences, while for the second time in the Forum's history, the Minister of Economy and Finance in Greece, Mr. George Alogoskoufis, gave a keynote speech.

88 investment proposals were submitted to the Forum. Among these, 77% were from Greece and 23% mainly from Cyprus, Bulgaria, UK, Brussels and Turkey. In total the amount of capital requested for investing exceeded the 428 million euro.

As far as the subject of the business plans is concerned, 23 out of the 88 were about consumer goods, 16 were focused on informatics, 10 were about tourism, 9 about health and safety and the rest related with telecommunications, services, electronics , energy, environment and transport.

The event website | Agenda Brochure [pdf, 185KB] | Event Photos

8th International Venture Capital Forum
Athens, Grande Bretagne Hotel, 3-4 July 2007

The 8th event of the series was also organised by the Hellenic Center for Investment (ELKE), the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO) and the Innovation Relay Centre HELP-FORWARD with the cooperation of the Hellenic Venture Capital Association and under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It took place in Athens, in Hotel Grande Bretagne, on 3 & 4 July 2007. The Forum was once again a unique opportunity for conducting approximately 200 prearranged meetings among businesses and investors as well as an informative and
educational event in terms of Domestic and International trends in PE/VC, Trendy Investments and Refocusing Business, Investment Readiness and Corporate Governance in SMEs, as well as Exit Strategies. In total 54 Business Plans were submitted to the Forum and the total amount of capital requested for investing exceeded the 130 million euro. More than 450 investment professionals, policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics and researchers attended the speeches and shared their views and experiences, while for the first time in the Forum's history,
the Minister of Economy and Finance in Greece, Mr. George Alogoskoufis, gave a keynote speech.

The event website | Brochure | Programme | Event Photos

7th International Venture Capital Forum
Athens, Grande Bretagne Hotel, 28-29 June 2006

The 7th event of the series was also organised by the Hellenic Center for Investment (ELKE), the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO), the Innovation Relay Centre HELP-FORWARD with the cooperation of the Hellenic Venture Capital Association and under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It took place in Athens, in Hotel Grande Bretagne, on 28 & 29 June 2006. The Forum attracted over 400 investment professionals, policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics and researchers. In total 79 Business Plans of 541 million euro were submitted and more than 200 prearranged meetings among businesses and investors took place.

The event website | Brochure | Programme | Event Photos

6th International Venture Capital Forum
Athens, Grande Bretagne Hotel, 14-15 June 2005

The 6th event of the series was also organised by the Hellenic Center for Investment (ELKE), the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO), the Innovation Relay Centre HELP-FORWARD with the cooperation of the Hellenic Venture Capital Association and under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It took place in Athens, in Hotel Grande Bretagne, on 14 & 15 June 2005. The Forum attracted over 400 investment professionals, policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics and researchers. In total 52 Business Plans of 356 million euro were submitted and more than 200 prearranged meetings among businesses and investors took place.

The event website | Brochure | Programme | Event Photos

5th International Venture Capital Forum
Athens, Grande Bretagne Hotel, 16-17 June 2004

The 5th event of the series was organized by the Hellenic Center for Investment (ELKE), the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO), the Innovation Relay Centre HELP-FORWARD with the cooperation of the Hellenic Venture Capital Association and under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It took place in Athens, in Hotel Grande Bretagne, on 16 & 17 June 2004. Businessmen, researchers, policy makers from SouthEast Europe and East Mediterranean (and in particular from Bulgaria, Cyprus, FYROM, Greece, Israel, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro), attended the event, presented their business ideas and discussed venture opportunities in dedicated bilateral meetings.

The event website | Brochure | Programme | Event Photos

4th International Venture Capital Forum
Chalkidiki, Porto Carras resort, 14-16 May 2003

The 4th event of the series was organized by the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO) and the Hellenic Center for Investment (ELKE) with the cooperation of Innovation Relay Centre HELP-FORWARD under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It took place on 14-16 May 2003 at the Porto Carras resort in Chalkidiki. The event was dedicated to raising financing for new technology-based firms in Southeast Europe and provided a forum for institutional and other investment professionals to meet with policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics and researchers for an open exchange of views and ideas.

The event website | Brochure | Programme | Event Photos

3rd Venture Capital Forum for the New Economy
Athens Intercontinental Hotel, 29-30 January 2002

The third event of the series was organised jointly by the Hellenic Center for Investment (ELKE SA) and the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO).

It took place on 29 & 30 January 2002 at the Athens Intercontinental Hotel. The Forum attracted over 900 delegates, of whom 200 were entrepreneurs and 100 were from leading investment institutions in the private equity asset class in Europe. Half of the 40 start-ups which took part in the 3rd Venture Capital Forum have proceeded to second round negotiations with the investors.

The event website | Brochure | Programme | Event Photos

2nd Venture Capital Forum for the New Economy
Athens, Hilton Hotel, 4-5 December 2000

The second event of the series was organised by the Hellenic Center for Investment (ELKE SA) under the auspices of the Ministry of National Economy and the Ministry of Development.
The forum took place on 4 & 5 December 2000 at Athens Hilton Hotel. It was focused at the New Economy firms and presented new government initiatives in mobilising venture capital finance of
new technology based firms.

The event websiteBrochure | Programme | Event Photos

Venture Capital for New Information and Communication Technology Firms (1st Forum)
Athens, Hilton Hotel, 6-7 December 1999

Organised by the Hellenic Center for Investment (ELKE SA) and the Ministries of National Economy and Development, the forum took place on 6 & 7 December 1999 at the Athens Hilton Hotel. The aim of the event was two fold: to explore the international experience in the development of mechanisms such as venture capital financing of neew technology based firms and to create partnering opportunities between VCs, researchers and
entrepreneurs, active in the filed of information and communication technologies.

The event website | Brochure | Programme | Event Photos

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